Saturday, April 6, 2013

Malden Real Estate Exemption

Are you a new homeowner in the city? Then you probably know about the 30 percent residential exemption offered by the city this year. If you already received an exemption on your tax bill last year, there's no need to re-apply for this year's cut. If you just bought new property in the past year however, you must apply by Tuesday, April 9. Residents can download the exemption application online or pick up a copy at the Assessor’s office in city hall. There are some limitations to the homeowner exemption: For example, the tax break cannot lower a resident’s tax bill more than 90 percent. Residents who already receive other tax breaks, such as senior and disabled veterans benefits, may not receive the full benefit. Questions? Call the Assessor’s Office at (781) 397-7100 or email them at About this column: Each week, we'll answer a question submitted by a Malden resident. Have something you'd like us to look into? Let us know in the comments below

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