Saturday, November 17, 2007

Community based services for seniors

Unfortunately, the Governor’s proposed budget does not provide a meaningful funding increase for state programs providing in-home and community-based services for seniors whose incomes are above the Federal Poverty Guidelines. In Berkshire County two such programs, State Home Care and Enhanced Community Options, are serving more than 1,000 lower income seniors a month. These two programs help seniors to continue to live in their own homes with dignity and independence by providing assistance with such things as bathing, getting to and from the bathroom, getting dressed and ready for the day, and homemaking. The State Home Care and Enhanced Community Options Programs need increased funding to keep up with the growing need for the services they provide.
1. Without increased funding, lower income seniors may once again be caught in the middle and may “fall through the cracks” between the MassHealth and state programs. These seniors have incomes above the Federal Poverty Guidelines criteria for the MassHealth programs that have received additional funding; however, there may be little or no room for them in the state programs for which they are financially eligible, because of a lack of additional funding in those programs. Other vital senior services, which need additional funding to keep up with senior needs, include the Councils on Aging, Protective Services, Mental Health Services, and the Nutrition/Meals on Wheels Program. Additional funding for these services will help seniors to continue to live in their own homes and communities — which is where they want to be.

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