Monday, February 22, 2010

Census 2010
In Malden we have a large population of Chinese and Vietnamese to the
Malden Senior Community Center and many Foreign churches (groups) The
Immigration Learning Center in Malden that should become involved.
The Great Wall Inc should be involved.I am interested in seeing Mass
Senior Action involved in the public housing unitsCensus 2010: Key Dates
Ideas for Partners . Volunteers help paint a census
mural in neighborhood of Malden.
U.S. Census Bureau Boston Regional
Census Center
One Beacon Street, 7th Floor Boston,
MA 02108
Phone: (617) 223-3610 E-mail: Boston.
Overcoming Language Barriers with Questionnaire
Assistance Centers/Language Program Do you serve populations that speak
a language other than English? Are you willing to donate space for at least
15 hours a week that can be used by census employees to provide language
assistance for people completing 2010 Census forms? If so, we want to hear
from you. The Census Bureau is currently identifying facilities that can be used
as Questionnaire Assistance Centers (QAC).
We need 2,460 sites in the Boston Region alone. Questionnaire Assistance Centers
simply require a small private place in a public facility where the Census Bureau
can staff a table with translators to provide in-language assistance to help non-English speakers complete the 2010 questionnaire. Questionnaire Assistance Center will be open between mid-March and mid-April 2010.
If you would like to serve as a QAC,
please contact your partnership specialist
by December 21.In addition to in-language assistance at QACs,
the Census Bureau will also reach foreign-born
communities with questionnaire assistance guides in 59 languages available for download at www.2010census. gov. The partnership team for the Boston Region consists of over 200 people, including partnership specialists and assistants who collectively speak 18 languages.Nov - Dec 2009 Targeted recruitment for local
2010 Census operations jobs begins.Feb - Mar 2010 Census questionnaires are
mailed or delivered to households. April 2010 April - July 2010 Resdents
fill out and return Census questionnaires. Census takers visit households that did not return a questionnaire by mail.
December 2010 March 2011
By law,
Census Bureau delivers population counts
to President for apportionment. By law,
Census Bureau completes delivery of
redistricting data to states.